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Frequently Ask Question (FAQ)

1. What is the role of the DSA Office for students?

The Office of the Director of Students’ Affairs (DSA) is a professional body dedicated to the social, psychological, ethical, and cognitive development and well-being of all DIU students. It collaborates with faculty members to implement the university’s educational and developmental mission. The DSA Office oversees all club activities, foundation classes, orientation for newly admitted students, and provides psychosocial support. It also organizes training on positive behavioral changes, national and international collaboration programs, award programs, and coordinates the unique course titled "Art of Living."

2. Is membership needed to get service from the DSA Office?

No, membership is not required. If you have a valid DIU ID card, the DSA Office is officially responsible for assisting you within its working areas.

3. How can we get notifications about the DSA Office?

The DSA Office communicates with students through virtual platforms such as Facebook, DIU authorized mail, DIU Forum, and the official website, along with direct physical communication or telecommunication.

4. How can we join club activities?

Students interested in joining club activities are encouraged to contact the DSA through the provided platforms (email, social media, website, contact number) or directly visit the office.

  • Location:
    Knowledge Tower, Ground Floor,
    Daffodil Smart City, Birulia, Savar, Dhaka.
  • Find your Club Contact: Club Activities

5. If we want to open/form a new club, what are the proceedings?

Form a group of at least 20 students with a faculty member as a proposed moderator. Then, submit an official proposal with club details (e.g., why it's needed, student benefits, university benefits) following the prescribed protocol, including the club constitution.

6. When will Foundation classes start?

To stay updated about Foundation classes (every season/semester), please keep an eye on your regular email, social media pages, and the website.

7. What is DIU Startup Market and how can we get involved?

The DIU Startup Market is a student-run bazaar designed to help students aspiring to be future entrepreneurs, often referred to as an Entrepreneur’s Lab. It typically occurs two days a week. Interested students must pay a minimal subscription charge of BDT 300, and the university provides necessary logistical support. For continuous updates, follow the Startup Market’s social page: DIU Startup Market.

8. About One Student One Laptop:

Please check your DIU email to follow every step regarding the One Student One Laptop project.

9. What is the procedure to organize an event?

If you are planning to host an event, you need to apply through our event module in the Smart Edu system at least 10 days before the event. This applies to both clubs and departments. For club events, the convener will be the applicant.

10. How can we book event venues?

The Venue Booking system is fully automated. The applicant (must be an employee of DIU) needs to apply through the Venue Booking module in the Smart Edu System. To inquire about the availability of a particular venue, applicants may contact Mr. Mokabbir Alam Sani, Assistant Administrative Officer, at +8801847334934.

11. How can we apply for a waiver?

Apply through the following site: by logging in with your student portal credentials and completing the entire form. After successfully completing the application, you will need to meet with the waiver board for the next steps.

12. How can I get the ID card?

New students need to contact their respective department. Typically, a new student receives the ID card within 15 days of starting regular classes.

13. How can we address misconduct issues such as academic dishonesty, discrimination, substance abuse, aggression, cyber misconduct, theft, unauthorized gatherings, inappropriate conduct in residences, resource misuse, non-compliance with authorities, or law violations?

Please contact the Proctor Office (3rd Floor, Campus Store) with a written application, or consult verbally if the situation requires immediate attention.

14. In case of sexual harassment, where should I contact for justice?

For sexual harassment issues, seek remedy from the DIU Complaint Committee to Prevent Sexual Harassment. For details, visit the DIU Complaint Committee to Prevent Sexual Harassment webpage.

15. How can international students get easy support?

For visa and passport-related issues, contact the Admission Office. For academic support, reach out to the International Student Advisor. For services and facilities, contact the Students Affairs Office.

16. How can we publish student content in the DSA Monthly Newsletter?

Share your content (achievements, events, articles, etc.) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Students' Affairs Office will review the merit of the content and decide whether to include it in the monthly E-Newsletter.

17. Are there on-campus job opportunities available for current students?

Yes, the university offers on-campus job opportunities through the "Learn & Earn" project. Circulars for this project are distributed each semester via student email. Interested students must apply and will be assessed through a viva for recruitment based on merit. These positions provide paid employment within various university offices. For details, visit: Learn & Earn.

18. How can a student obtain a concern letter?

Students need to apply for a concern letter through the following link:

19. How can we troubleshoot issues with the Blended Learning Center (BLC)?

Please contact us via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Be sure to explain your problem and include a screenshot of the issue.

About DSA

Office of the Director of Students’ Affairs is a professional body who are dedicated to the social, psychological, ethical and cognitive development and well-being of
all DIU students. It also works collaboratively with respected faculty members to implement the university’s educational and developmental mission.

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