Foundation Class, Fall-2024 starting by 18th May 2024

Besides Get in the Ring, WE CAN-Daffodil Apps Fellowship 2016, DIU-BFF Summer Program, Daffodil-Daily Star Project etc. are the project activities that has been successfully completed by DSA Office.

Get in the Ring (GITR):
Eight teams. A breathless audience. A shot at representing Bangladesh at the most cutting edge of entrepreneurial stage. After a nail-biting, hard fought contest between 8 teams, one team emerges as the victor. Thus came out the thrilling finale of the first edition of the Get in the Ring Bangladesh.
The entire 60 days contest was sponsored and hosted by Daffodil International University. After two months of selection and grooming, eight teams made it to the final contest which was held on January 17, 2016. The Chief Guest to the event was Dr. Atiur Rahman, the former Governor of Bangladesh Bank. It was a unique evening in the history of Bangladesh with music, dancing and strong battles between the startups.
The Eight finalists were:, The Bridge, One Roof, BagherBachcha, My Doctor, GameXot, Food for People (FFP) and Drisa. They all battled for a spot in the final round to win the title of National Champion, Get in the Ring Bangladesh. The winner secured a ticket to the Regional Final in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia that held on 15th of February in 2016.
The winners of the first four contests – The Bridge, Drisa, My Doctor, and FFP faced against each other in the final round. Tension was running high during this round, even the deliberating jury needed extra time to choose a winner. In the end, they selected Food for People (FFP) as the winner.
The start-up took off last year after 23-years-old Atikur Rahman realized that a plentiful amount of food goes to waste every day in various functions and restaurants in Dhaka, which the city's needy people could do with.

The CEO of Food for People, Atikur Rahman said, “whenever people have excess food they will just inform us through the mobile app and we will then send personnel with logistics to collect the food and to distribute it among the people who are really hungry.’ He also mentioned that his start-up is directly responding the second millennium development goal: zero hunger.

The Get in the Ring Foundation is a global non-profit organization that connects start-ups to opportunities related to capital, talent and expertise. Initially, eight start-up entrepreneurs were engaged in a one-to-one pitch battle inside a ring, where they presented their business ideas, potential, target customers and the viability of their businesses to the judges.
The judges' panel comprised Mr. Abdul Matlub Ahmad, President of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI); Mr. SukamalSingha Choudhury, an SME Consultant of Bangladesh Bank; Ms. NaazFarhana Ahmed, President of Dhaka Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI) and Managing Director of Kanak Handicrafts Ltd. and Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed, the CEO of Omera Group.

Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University, said that this international platform will rapidly change the growth rate of entrepreneurial initiatives of the country. He also mentioned that more than five hundred start-ups applied for the competition but 36 made the cut. Through two rounds of the competition the number was brought down to eight for the national final. The participants were from University of Dhaka, IBA-DU, North South University, Daffodil International University, Independent University, Bangladesh, BRAC University, BUET, Stamford University, American International University, Bangladesh and more. Mr. Md. Sabur Khan finally invited all the start-ups of the country stating that not a single idea will die due lack of funds and fans; apply for Get in the Ring 2016 which will be a massive event including 7 individual local finals in seven divisions of the country.
Dr. Atiur Rahman said all the eight start-ups that made it to the national final deserve finances and investment, so the banks can look at them as profitable projects. He also mentioned in his speech “It is heartening to see that the Get in the Ring puts the spotlight, giving them a podium for creating a global fan base and connecting investors.”
Finally, the host concluded the event inviting all to watch International Final live from Colombia on 15 March, 2016. For Details:

The Daily Star :
To enhance the proficiency of English of DIU students both in speaking & writing DSA started distribution of Daily Star each student freely from the 02.06.13. At first, it was distributed to the students free of cost. Now students have to pay Tk. 40 in each semester. The paper is distributed among all of campus: Permanent Campus (Ashulia), Uttara, Main Campus, Admin Building &Sobhanbag Campus. Now it has become a habit to the students to come in University every Saturday and receive their copies. The distribution process is successfully done by DSA Team.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award :
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is an exciting self-development programmed available to young people in over 131 countries equipping them with life skills to make a difference to themselves, their communities and their world. Since began in 1956, this award has been dedicated to the personal development of young people coming from all backgrounds all around the world. To date over six million young people from over 131 countries have been motivated to undertake a variety of voluntary and challenging activities, and in return, widened their horizon of opportunities. The award programmed, developed by the widely known German educationist Dr. Kurt Hahn is a non-competitive and balanced self-development programmed designed to complement the academic education in ensuring an all-round, complete and holistic development of the young people. While pursuing the activities of the award, the young people learn life skills like negotiation, research, communication, problem solving, presentation skills, team skills and develops a sense of responsibility to others and feels the rise of the degree of compassion and care for the world and its people unknown to them. With the elevation of self-belief and self-confidence, the young people learn to connect themselves to the broader society and develop a willingness to try new things, accepting challenges, setting up goals and putting in dedicated effort to accomplish those goals. The Award is flexible and can be done by anyone aged 14-25 in their own time: mental or physical ability or social circumstances should never be a barrier. Moreover, the individual chooses what activities to do depending on his/her interests and resources. There are three Awards to achieve: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The Gold Award takes the longest to accomplish and is the harder one of the three. In Bangladesh one has to start off with the Bronze. On 28th of November, 2013 this award was launched in Daffodil International University, with a grand celebration. Robert Winnington Gibson CMG, Honorable High-Commissioner of United Kingdom was present there as a Guest of Honor. Sabur Khan, President of DCCI and Chairman of BoT, Daffodil International University as well as Mr. RizwanFaruk were among the special guests. Syed Mizanur Rahman, Director of Students’ Affairs was the responsible person for the whole arrangement of the occasion.  On February 15, 2016, 32 students from different departments of Daffodil International University (DIU) have got ‘Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award’ at the Certificate Confer Ceremony. They all have got Bronze Award. Among the Awardees Ms. Nafiza Rahman Mou said, “During my graduation, I have achieved so many awards but it is because of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award giving foundation-I could institutionalize my achievements as international.”

Technology in transforming education
We are living in a world of information technology where education is increasingly being dependent on the use of computer and internet. It has now been a prime responsibility of the university to equip its students with proper technical knowledge so that they can survive and secure respectable place in society.
In the backdrop of rapid spread of one-to-one computing globally, the university is looking for additional ways to influence students' learning process positively. There are two main ways to do so: first, offering them laptops to be used on the campus only, and secondly, allowing them to take the devices at home for personal use.
Considering the present situation, DIU is distributing laptops among students to use on personal basis and thus help them to face the challenges of a globalized world.

Special Note: Students of Master programs, evening programs, diploma courses, and short courses are not entitled for the laptop project.

Application Procedure:
All students will receive a Laptop Application form additionally with admission form after confirmation of admission at DIU. They will submit the application at the time of their admission or within one month from the date of admission to the admission office with necessary information and photographs.  From two parts of application form, DIU admission office will keep single part and the other part will be given to the students. After 4th semester the student who is eligible with the laptop project terms and conditions, will submit the other part of the laptop form to the Office of the Director of Students’ Affairs Office (DSA Office) and after confirmation the serial number of the laptop token by e-mail, students will collect the laptop token from the DSA Office again. The student's portion of the application form will be treated as token for collecting the laptop.

Basic Configuration of Laptop:
# Built-in WIFI
# High speed processor and sufficient RAM
# High quality hard disc with sufficient space
# Web cam
# DVD writer
# As new technology is coming up day by day, DIU will take initiative to upgrade the configuration as per demand of time.

Distribution Strategy:
After completion of the 4th semester, students will be entitled for receiving the laptop. Before and after receiving the laptop, students have to follow university rules and regulations.

Post Sales Service:
Students will get 4-years warranty. They will be entitled for receiving free service for the 1st year and will have to pay 50% service charge in the rest of the time period (3 years).
Service Booths will be established, one at DIU main campus and another at Uttara Campus. Moreover, students can receive services from any of the following Daffodil Computer service centers by showing the warranty card / ID card / acknowledgement form.

About DSA

Office of the Director of Students’ Affairs is a professional body who are dedicated to the social, psychological, ethical and cognitive development and well-being of
all DIU students. It also works collaboratively with respected faculty members to implement the university’s educational and developmental mission.

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