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Course: Compassionate Communication: A Psychological Approach To Improve Relationship

Compassionate Communication Course Image GoEdu


Communication is a vital part of maintaining every relationship. But unfortunately, some of our habitual communication mistakes often lead to misunderstandings and conflicts in our relationships. We have a tendency to always be busy judging what is "wrong" and what is "right" in others. We subconsciously criticize ourselves and others, comparing one with another. We learn these from birth through family and social environment. These habitual thoughts of ours create various problems in our communication. Mutual conflict, discord, conflict is created. Due to which various negative feelings such as anger, rage, anger, frustration, suffering etc. are created in us. Thus we gradually deviate from the original purpose of establishing our relationship.

To explore the techniques to maintain healthy relationship enroll the course : Compassionate Communication: A Psychological Approach To Improve Relationship

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Course: Overcoming Procrastination: Become More Productive


Overcoming  Procrastination course image

Sometimes all our opportunities seem to be on our fingertips, but we can't seem to reach them. When you procrastinate, you waste time that you could be investing in something meaningful. If you can overcome this fierce enemy, you will be able to accomplish more and in doing so better utilize the potential that life has to offer.

Enroll the course and defeat the main obstacles of your development.

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Course: Anger Management

Anger Management Course Image

In today's world, emotional intelligence is much more important than intelligence. In this modern world, anger control is very important in your personal life, family life, your workplace or any leadership role. Anger is the name of an emotion. We can be angry for various reasons. Anyone can master anger management skills by following some psychological techniques.

Enroll following course and control your  ANGER because its only one letter away from DANGER

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Course: How to Say No and How to Propose

How to Say No and How to Propose Course Image

 ‘না’ বলা কাজটি পৃথিবীতে বরাবরই কঠিন। তবে আগামীতে না বলতে গিয়ে নিশ্চয়ই আমরা ঘাবড়ে যাবো না সেই প্রত্যাশায় আমাদের এই কোর্স। আরেকটি বিষয় হলো, প্রস্তাব দেওয়া। যে কোনো প্রস্তাব। প্রস্তাব কত রকম হতে পারে তা আমরা ইদানিং দেখতে পাই। তবে প্রস্তাব দিলেই যে পাশ হয়ে যাবে বা সফল হবেন তার কোনো নিশ্চয়তা নেই। সেখানেও আপনাকে না শুনতে হতে পারে। শুধু আপনি বলবেন “না” তা তো হবে না। যে কারনে  না শব্দটিকে হজম করা হজম করা এবং ‘না’ শব্দটিকে বলা সঠিক ভাবে বলা সেটা শব্দ করে হোক নীরবে হোক না বোঝানো এবং নাকে ধারণ করা দুটোই খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কাজ। আশা করি How to Say No and How to Propose কোর্সের প্রত্যেকটি লেসনের ভেতর দিয়ে আমরা সেই জায়গাটায় পৌঁছাব।

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Office of the Director of Students’ Affairs is a professional body who are dedicated to the social, psychological, ethical and cognitive development and well-being of
all DIU students. It also works collaboratively with respected faculty members to implement the university’s educational and developmental mission.

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