A talented team, consisting of Radia Tasnia and Shafayet Hossain Shihab as Oralists, Shadman Toki as Researcher, Mahjabin Mobasshir Mahi as Observer, and Coach Moriom Akter Mou, along with additional members Md Nura Anam Bishal and Rifat Ara Sharmin Humaira, represented the Department of Law, Daffodil International University at the the UMSAILS & UAP Inter University Moot Court Competition-2024. The competition held at the University of Asia Pacific(UAP) on 17-20 April, 2024.
The UMSAILS-UAP Inter University Moot Court Competition aims to provide a platform for aspiring legal minds from various universities to engage in rigorous legal advocacy and hone their skills in oral argumentation and legal research. Therefore, the preliminary rounds of the competition was held on 19 April, 2024 where our team has performed well and achieved a significant position. |