On December 31, 2024, Daffodil International University (DIU) Library launched a new e-Journal Management Software (EJMS) & was awarded Best Employee for 2024. Now, users can get their desired journal articles through this EJMS. Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr. S.M. Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Dr. Mohammed Nadir Bin Ali Registrar, and Professor Dr. M. R. Kabir, Future DIU of the Daffodil International University, inaugurated this new e-Journal Management Software (EJMS). Professor A. M.M. Hamidur Rahman, Chairman of the Daffodil International University Library Committee, Dr. Md. Milan Khan Librarian, and all team members of Daffodil International University Library, heads of all departments, and all DIU Journal’s editors were present on the occasion. The best employee award was given among Rashed Nizami, Senior Assistant Librarian, Masud Parvez, Senior Assistant Director (IT), Md. Abdul Monnaf Sarker, Senior Library Officer, Md. Abdullah Al Noman, Server Admin, Umme Ahsan, Assistant Library Officer, and Mr. Dhiman Sarker, Assistant IT Officer (Library), for their significant contribution to the library in 2024. |